How to copy public ssh id from local machine to remote server or droplet with different port?
posted 3 months ago
To copy use the tool called ssh-copy-id on the terminal as: ssh-copy-id -p 1234 [email protected]
Download Database, Unzip, Copy to Docker Container and Import Data
posted 3 years ago
Script to download database, unzip it, copy to docker container and import data
Clone Repository After checking GIT has been installed
posted 3 years ago
Modify the script to clone repository after checking Git is installed
Install required software script after installation of Ubuntu 20.04
posted 3 years ago
Some of the useful software to install on Ubuntu 20.04 Operation System
Cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device
posted 6 years ago
Have plenty of space on df -ah & df -i. But /tmp showing as 100% used
How to search for the file name on the project directory?
posted 8 years ago
To search for a particular file on a project directory. Firstly, cd into the project folder and use find . -iname
Kill the port number in use
posted 8 years ago
In linux, if a specific port number say (4444) is being used and if it need to be kill or released, then we can user fuser to kill the port number in use
chmod: cannot operate on dangling symlink '/usr/bin/something'
posted 8 years ago
If you receive dangling symlink error message when using chmod on a symlink folder then you need to create a symlink with a full path
To disable requiretty edit sudoers file and comment Defaults requiretty line. Then allow user and apache to use the command without prompting for password.
Update a CentOS server time
posted 8 years ago
To update a CentOS server time from an authoritative time server i) install ntp and start ntpd server.
Change Hostname on Centos 7
posted 8 years ago
To change the hostname of the machine running on Centos7, you can use sudo sysctl kernal.hostname=newhostname. However this will have only temporary effect. Which means when machine is rebooted the change will be lost.